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Writer's pictureSofia

what a TIME to be ALIVE: 40 Reasons Why

Have you ever asked yourself, are you just trying to get through life or happily living it?

Life is HARD. One day you can feel completely at bliss and the next you can feel stressed to your core. It’s something we have to work at constantly, and some days are much more challenging than others. Some days you’ll feel alone and isolated, and often times you can find yourself thinking, “what’s the point of all this?” We always talk about happiness as a destination instead of trying to implement it into our day-to-day activities as part of the journey. Life is a journey, so happiness should naturally be a friendly companion along the way. Why then can’t we wake up every day with a smile on our face? Some will argue we can- because ultimately it’s a choice. But let’s face it… we’re only human. Shit happens. It’s hard to remind ourselves that we can in fact be happy with just being. The number one thing we take for granted when we’re unhappy is LIFE. However, there are a number of reasons why we should be happy that we exist and why we shouldn’t give up on ourselves. Instead of merely surviving life, we should actively try to conquer and enjoy it. Here’s a little list to remind both of us-even in our lowest and darkest times- how to find the light when we feel like we’ve lost it:

20 reasons and feelings why I’m happy to be alive and why I think you should be too:

1. Laughing until your stomach hurts

2. There are so many books to be read and the feeling after finishing a good one is unmatched

3. Someone out there loves you and needs you to be alive

4. Potatoes exist and come in many different forms… each equally as yummy

5. You haven’t met even half the people that will touch your life and who’ll eventually mean something to you

6. Friday’s

7. There are so many countries in the world to explore- there are so many different walks of life to learn about and meet

8. The rush of a good concert

9. You never know what will happen in the next moment- life is unexpected and unpredictable

10. The intoxicating smell of coffee first thing in the morning

11. Music. Music that makes you feel good. Music that makes you want to dance or push harder at the gym. Music you can just vibe to and music that helps you bond with people. There’s an infinite amount of undiscovered music yet to be discovered. So many favorite songs you have yet to fall in love with…

12. You’ve already made it this far

13. The joy of making a baby laugh

14. It’ll pass- it always does

15. You were able to access this post, and however you did- it means you’re blessed

16. Watching your parents grow old and your siblings grow up. This is sad in a way, but there are so many people that don’t get this kind of blessing. Having your family at every stage of life is a beautiful thing, and one we take for granted too often.

17. So much yummy food to taste or taste again for that matter

18. Mesmerizing sunrises and sunsets you have yet to witness

19. You’re able to see this… with your eyes… you have the ability to read this… with your eyes…

20. God created you. No one else can be you. So why not go out there and be the best you? Live your life to the fullest as cliché as it sounds. You owe it to yourself.

I didn’t think it’d be fair to only share my perspective because why take my word for it? I asked some of my friends and family why they’re happy to be alive and here are some of the things they came up with:

1. “There’s so much to look forward to in life, we’re so young and we’ve barely lived” –Inbisat Z

2. “Love” –HK

3. “So I can make a life for myself. Find out who I am and build my character and career upon my wants and needs. Also to find the love that every human deserves! –Minnie

4. “That God chose to bless me with the idea that is life. I was not even remotely a living being let alone an idea. God chose to breathe life into me for a purpose. A lifeless being chosen to live a life. He chooses us all for a reason. The fact that we were chosen by Him to breathe and live means we all have a purpose. The purpose to live and love everyone who has also been chosen to do so” –Tehaum S

5. “Being able to experience certain things that fill you with amazement or happiness like when you hang out with someone you genuinely enjoy being around or seeing something amazing in nature”

6. “The ability to bring happiness to people whenever I can” –Oneeb F

7. “To me life is about experiences, making memories and appreciating the many things this world has to offer. Whether you like food, sports or nature- ultimately, it is the sincere passion to experience the things that we love- that is what makes someone happy to be alive” –Shahrukh A

8. “Because I know goodness exists” –Varun A

9. “We’re surrounded by family, friends and opportunities that our creator has blessed us with. Our ability to think and solve problems is so profound and I truly believe that every person on this Earth is here for a purpose. I’m happy to be alive so that I can be the best that I possibly can to please my creator and do good” –Samar T

10. “Better days ahead, so much to live for and so many memories to make” -Amani K

11. “Having the ability to make others happy, the ability to be able to give to others who aren’t as fortunate, and in general putting smiles and love into everyone’s faces and hearts” –Faraz H

12. “Because I get to eat, EAT GOOD and travel!! Go to beautiful parts of the world and experience life in new ways” –Aliza K

13. “All the genuine people in my life make it worth while to be alive. You have to deal with a lot of fakes and a lot of shitty moments but when you know you’re loved and see people out there have your back it makes you feel like you can get through anything” –Omar K

14. “Because of the possibilities of what the future can hold and how I might be able to affect the future” –HK

15. “TBH I just think life is beautiful. No matter how much anyone is going through, at the end of the day, life is just beautiful. And you’re reminded of that in different ways. I’m happy to be alive but why wouldn’t I be? –AS

16. “I heard this story once and in the story a guy dies and someone says ‘he’s so lucky, he no longer will commit sins,’ and the other person says ‘no you’re lucky, you have the opportunity to repent and gather good deeds for yourself.’ I am happy to be alive so that I can hopefully do something for the after life. Of course, family is my number one answer. I am happy to be alive for me as well. I guess as a storybook lover, I’m interested to see where my story and path takes me and I’m happy to get the chance to experience more in life, opportunities that some don’t get at all”

17. “I’m happy to be alive because of the amazing sights and people in the world. There are so many pretty places to go and people to meet. The world is really pretty and there’s so much to learn” –Alisa T

18. “I’m happy to be alive to use the privellege and blessings I’ve been given to do good in the world”

19. “Life is a gift and always has been, one doesn’t choose to be alive. Instead we are given the gift of life. As with any gift you’re happy you received it and forever grateful you did” –Sohaib A

20. “You” –Alaina K (this was my personal favorite answer hehe)

I really hope this helps at least one person out there who needs it. This is your sign. We're all rooting for you.

-love Sof

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