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Writer's pictureSofia

The Beginnings of the Blog

Blogging isn’t something I ever thought I’d be into. My uncertainty always stemmed from a mixture of not thinking I’d be capable and/or consistent of running one all by myself. I remember having a heart to heart with my cousin one afternoon, and I don’t know how it came up, but she randomly states “I think you’d be a really good blogger.” It was a sweet sentiment, but I wasn’t sure what it all entailed. I just remember from that moment on, the thought kept lingering in the back of my mind. I ran the idea past my friends and although they were very encouraging and supportive, they were skeptical as to what I’d write about.

When it comes to group discussions, I’ve always been one to stay quiet. To my friends, I’ve probably always appeared not passionate or vocal about anything. That I probably just don’t have much to say or don’t have a stance on certain issues. That, of course, isn’t true- but if they did think that, I'd get it.

I tend to stay quiet because if I’m quiet I can’t be wrong- that was my logic at least. I’m afraid that my opinion won't be right and that’s generally why I choose not to state it at all. I do have to point out that this is mainly in group settings. When I'm one on one with someone, I'm much more comfortable speaking my mind. I think this is one reason why I thought writing a blog might be a good idea. To have a place where I can form my opinions and openly discuss them as well. Of course, I'm catering to a bigger audience on this platform which should make me feel intimidated as hell, but for some reason I also feel safer.

Another thing I’ve always been aware of is that I have a voice that translates pretty well over text. My sister has always pointed out that I’m pretty decent with words and skilled in constructing e-mails, texts, and essays. I’ve always liked writing, especially in school. It’s always been something that came very natural to me. If anything, I knew blogging would be a good vessel to improve my writing.

My cousins and sister have always come to me with their problems so I’ve always been used to giving advice most of my life (because I’m the eldest). I also weighed in the things I’ve seen and dealt with throughout the years. Although I haven’t gotten so deep with it on my blog (yet), I know that a lot of these issues are things I could potentially write about, and may even be relatable to some people.

So after only a week of consideration and doing research, I sorta just went for it.

I haven't regretted it one bit. Since I’ve started writing, I’ve definitely found a sense of purpose and a voice. It doesn’t matter how many people are reading it, as long as I’m content with every piece I’m putting out. Getting appreciation messages about my blog posts and even messages about how a certain post has helped someone out means the world to me. Knowing I’ve helped just one individual is enough to motivate me to keep going and to continue blogging. My writing will hopefully evolve along with the things that I talk about on here and it oddly excites me for what’s to come- on the blog and otherwise.

-love Sof

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