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Writer's pictureSofia

22 things 22 years taught me

Since I'm turning 22, I thought I'd reflect back and see how much I've evolved and grown as a person. So here are 22 things I've learned these past 22 years in no particular order, enjoy~

1. I've learned that time is one thing we don't get back. I've really started realizing that time is fleeting and it's important to live in the present. Once a moment passes, all you have left is the memory of that moment. The amount of times I've spent worrying or complaining about life is time that I can never get back. Of course, it's natural to worry and complaining is human nature (even if it isn't right). However, I have the power to minimize this if I fully grasp the concept that life passes in the blink of an eye. Stop waiting for Friday. Appreciate the present. Give it your full focus as much as you possibly can because it's all you really have- and all that's really guaranteed.

2. I've learned that I am a coffee addict. I cannot function without coffee and I refuse to live in a world without it.

3. I've learned that it's easier to have an open and honest relationship with your parents. Being close to my parents is a blessing. You earn their trust, and they gain yours as well. It leads to less stress and it gives you a healthier state of mind. It pays off in the long run. Don't take them for granted.

4. I've learned that I want nothing more than to travel the world and capture every corner of it's beauty. I have a passion for exploring places I've never been to. I want to immerse myself in different cultures and not only learn but witness what this world has to offer.

5. I've learned to appreciate people that stick around through your toughest times, and when you're at your most difficult. As much as I focus on cutting out negativity, I forget to appreciate the positivity. Reminding the people who care about me- how much I care about them- is something I've gotten better at. Not letting anyone around me think that I'm taking them for granted means a lot to me. These are people that give me a reason to wake up every morning and whom without life would be so dull.

6. I've learned that whatever's meant to be- is exactly what will be. You can plan and plan, but simply put- shit happens. You may want your life to look a certain way by a certain age, but unfortunately life doesn't work that way. You may think certain people will be in your life forever and then suddenly they aren't there anymore. No matter how hard you try, if something's not meant for you- it will never be yours. Mentally, you have to prepare for this. There can be a certain beauty in this lesson if we let there be. God is paving a path for you that will in turn make you the person you were meant to be. You may not see it now, but eventually you'll reflect back and understand why things worked out the way they did.

7. I've learned that when I consistently pray, I'm more at peace than at any other given time.

8. I've learned that some of my favorite moments are spent laughing uncontrollably with my favorite people. It doesn't take much to make me happy and I've finally come to this conclusion. I'm truly at bliss when I'm surrounded by good energy. These small moments give life big meaning.

9. I've learned that physical fitness is equally as important as mental fitness. When your physical and mental states are at optimum levels, you can function at your maximum potential. But, both are crucial. You can't have one without the other.

10. I've learned that not everyone wants the best for you even if they say they do. Trust your intuition and your gut. Don't subject yourself to fake relationships or toxic people. Cut them off if they don't make you want to be a better person and don't radiate positive vibes. Don't ever think you're "stuck" in any type of relationship.

11. I've learned that the state of my mind is a direct correlation to the state of my room. I like staying organized. I like everything being tidy. If it's not, I can't bring myself to do anything.

12. I've learned that nothing is permanent. The good times. The bad times. Life is fluid. Whatever you're going through, you'll get through. It will pass.

13. I've learned that the best investment you can make is in yourself. You're all you have. Learn to love yourself. Work on yourself. Make yourself the best possible version of you that you can. You owe it to yourself.

14. I've learned that my sister is my best friend, and I will protect her at all costs. There's no one that knows you as well as a sibling does (given you're both close). You both will have gone through the same things (for the most part). It's an unconditional bond masked with major disagreements, uncalled for insults and petty cat fights. Yet at times, I feel like we're the same person. As I grow older, I become more and more protective of her. I don't know who I'd be without her and I don't want to know life without her by my side.

15. I've learned that people are usually more concerned with the way they look, WAY more than your appearance. If you have a blemish on your face, you'll probably think it looks 10 times worse than what it actually does. Stop overthinking it.

16. I've learned that life isn't perfect. There will be days you won't feel like getting out of bed. There will be moments you'll cry, sometimes within reason and sometimes without. Some days you'll hate the way you said something or the way you looked throughout the day. You wont be happy 100% of the time and that's okay. Stop beating yourself up about it because life won't be perfect, and you're not always going to get it right.

17. I've learned that God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. You have the capability to get through anything that's thrown at you. At times, you'll feel like it'll never end. I promise you'll get through it and look back with pride because you did something you never thought you were capable of. You have it in you, be patient and believe in yourself.

18. I've learned that I will never get tired of listening to Drake or watching Harry Potter. Like ever.

19. I've learned that it's my life to live, not anyone else's. Stop worry about what other people think. No matter how good of a person you try to be, not everyone will love you. You weren't put on this planet to please everyone. As long as you're content with the person you are, no one can tell you who to be. Just be yourself and do what you want.

20. I've learned that there's nothing wrong with being sensitive. It allows me to be empathetic and feel other's emotions deeply. And I sorta like that about me.

21. I've learned that negative thoughts attract negativity into your life. You have the power to manifest positivity into your life if you do your best to keep the negative thoughts out. If you think positively, positive things are more likely to happen. It all depends on the way you react to things. You have complete control over your mind, and therefore your life. Use that power well.

22. I've learned that I'm capable of running my own blog :) I'm able to express how I feel in writing and I'm able get creative with it. Nothing is more satisfying than putting out a piece that I'm passionate about and watching an idea form into a whole post. I'm extremely happy I decided to follow through with it (aA) because I really do love it.

-love Sof

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